Kam Fung Chinatown
Kam Fung Chinatown is almost always packed on weekends for dim sum. That means finding a decent parking spot is generally a pain, and on top of that you'll have to be patient to get seated. The way around that is to go in the morning at say 11:00 am, or even earlier. Kam Fung is generally known as the best restaurant to get dim sum in the Chinatown area, however it's the crowds and lineups that can get annoying if you are impatient like myself.
Personally, I think you are better off going earlier in the day, as the food is likely a bit fresher (since there's a better chance the dim sum hasn't been rolling around on carts for some time), the lineups are shorter and the parking is less of a hassle.
Rice noodle rolls with shrimp


Fried dumpling


Egg Plant and Shrimp

Kam Fung Brossard
At first I thought the Kam Fung in Brossard was a completely different restaurant, only to realize later that it's part of a growing chain. My friends seem to say that this one is the better of the two for dim sum.
It's easier to get a parking spot here (parking in a strip mall is free so that's a plus) and the crowds are not as bad (place seems a lot bigger too). Perhaps the food is more consistent here (atmosphere doesn't seem as rushed as the one in Chinatown), and you can order dim sum off a menu as well.
Anyone been to the new Kam Fung in DDO? Let us know in the comments!
Egg Plant and shrimp

Seafood in some kind of fried batter

Seafood in tofu

So which Kam Fung do you think is the best? Let us know in the comments!

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