Flashing Police Lights...

On the way back from the Staind show, we saw police lights in the distance...I didn't think much of it so I kept going straight...

As we get closer to the police cruisers, we come a Stop sign, and that's when we notice what looked like about 30-40 teens (with more streaming across the street) all grouped together by a strong police presence...that's weird I thought...

What they were all doing we didn't want to stay and find out...the problem was we were still at the Stop sign waiting for more teens to cross right in front of us. I comptemplated running them over, but decided it wasn't a great idea. Then a cop cruiser comes out of nowhere, and speeds into the sidewalk right in front of us blocking our way; this gets even more interesting by the second...

We take a left turn to go around the block, and notice the entire block (maybe more) was being blockaded by several police cruisers. The next day we find out it was another "gang-related" incident in the area, not good...

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