They say Montrealers complain about about how hot it is in summer, and then turn around and complain about the cold in winter...not me! With the sun, heat and humidity summer is way worse!
This is insane, aren't we in Canada? I can take the -30 C weather any day of the week...what is this 30+ Celsius weather for like 2 weeks straight (humidex values push it into 40+ Celsius), you can't even go outside cause you'll get heatstroke...nice. Just as bad is the forecast...you guessed it, another week of 30+ C weather...
"Environment Canada extended its high heat and humidity warning" and there's even a poll on the Gazette web site: "Should a heat emergency be declared in Montreal?", never heard of a heat emergency before until now...grrrrr...
At least NHL hockey is back this year...hmmmm with the new salary cap maybe the Habs can keep Alex Kovalev, as I predicted he came up huge in the last playoffs...he just raises the bar for the whole team, we need to keep him if possible...

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