Taste factor:
First you have to see if you like my taste in entertainment, so if I like: Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, etc... and you don't...then obviously my ratings mean squat to you.
Anyways I'll be giving my two cents, but using my own rating system based on entertainment value. Know that I don't really analyze too much, and hate wasting my time (like standing in line for example), and that also factors into my ratings...
My thought process in rating anything: Was the movie/concert/book entertaining? Did I feel lke I wasted my time? Do I want to see it again? Is it worth standing in line?
My Personal Ratings:

Great stuff, among the best I've seen...

Entertaining, better than most stuff out there...

It's OK, worth it if nothing else to do...

Not much to see here, you're not missing anything...

It's pretty bad...I don't even want my logo next to it...Don't waste your time, just watch watch 24 on DVD...it's better than 99% of anything out there anyways...
Update: I've essentially retired my rating system, and now just mostly blog about the things that I like and are worth mentioning. Not really worth the time or effort to write about the things that are bad.
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